12,040 Square Ft Commercial Buildinge Brick 4-Plex!

3185 Lincoln Ave., Ogden, Utah
Price: $ 2,350,000.00
Location: 3185 Lincoln Ave., Ogden, Utah
Category: Commercial
Property type: Available
Featured: Yes
Featured: Yes
Total viewing: 8964
Baths: 2
Floors: 1
Rooms: 5
Square feet: 12,040 sqft
Parking: Off Street & Fenced
Skylights, Gas Hot Water

Basic information:
Contact Phone 801-695-1107
Contact Type Owner
Built year 1947
Number of Units 1

Rent Information:
Total Rents TBD

Owner pays Electric Yes
Owner pays Gas Yes
Gas Meters 1
Electric Meters 1

More features:
Fence Yes

Financing Options:
Cash Yes
Bank FInancing Yes
Seller Financing Yes
Trade Yes
Trade Details Anything of value

Large Cinder Block Commercial Building!
Property Tax ID#: __04-062-0006__.

Property Type: __ Commercial __.

Year Built: _1947_, Lot Size: _.45_, Est. Square Footage: _12,040 _.

Est. Property Taxes: __$4,193.88_.

Building Type: _Storage / Warehouse _.


Questar Gas: $ 0_ (Owner Paid)

Rocky Mountain Power: $ 0_ (Owner Paid)

Water & Sewer: $150.00 (Owner Paid)

Garbage: $ 0 _ (Owner Paid)

Heat Source: _ Gas __ .

A/C: _ Other__.

# Of Gas Meters: _ 1 _.

# Of Electric Meters _ 1 _.

# Of Furnaces: _ 5 _. (Hanging Roof mounts).

# Of Water Heaters: _ 1 _.

Off Street Parking: _Yes _.

Zoning: _Commercial_.

Exterior: _Cinder Block _.


_Fully Fenced Yard ____________________

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